Time Management Skills

Time Management Skills Are how well you organize your time, successful use of these skills are to for example plan to revise for 1 Hour then do Coursework for 1 hour then have tea then go to bed and to stick to the designated times you have set another good example of Time Management skills would be how much time you leave yourself to get ready in the mornings. I have good use of time management skills as I am always in class on time in the mornings and during the day.

Numeracy Skills

Numeracy Skills are how good you are at mathematics, most jobs nowadays require mathematic skills or a basic GCSE math’s. I have Numeracy skills as I have obtained my GCSE math’s at grade C.  

Team Work

Team Work skills are how well you work in a team for example someone may work very well in a team and this may increase the amount of work produced whilst others may prefer to work alone and may not enjoy working in a team or they may rely on other teammates to carry them!

Planning Skills

Planning Skills are how far you think ahead to get ready for upcoming events or problems, a good example of Planning skills would be to make a revision plan for an upcoming exam this shows that you will be ready for the exam. I have these skills as I will do preparation for any upcoming events whether it be coursework or an exam.

Written and Verbal Skills

Written and verbal skills are when people talk or communicate to each other by writing or typing this skill is helpful when working in a team or group as people can communicate their ideas or opinions. I have used this skill in my work as I have had group work to do and I have Vocalized my opinions.


Tolerance is how you react when something is different in your line of work for example a plan change or a person is acting in a way which is not helpful to the rest of the project, it is how you will react with little tolerance rash action will be taken like arguments over plan details or removing the person from the group. I have shown I am tolerant by listening and agreeing with group changes.


Independence means to be independent or to be able to work alone or have the skill to keep your mind at doing something solo. Employers look for people with this skill as most jobs will require at some point for you to work alone. I have shown that I am independent by working on my coursework at home.


Dependability means that your friends, team workers, classmates or other can rely on you so you won’t let them down by for example: not working, being late, or if you will show up for work. I have that I am dependable as I have shown up on time every day this year.


Determination is how hard you will try to achieve something and not leaving something for someone else to do, it is also making sure that you have it done quickly, efficiently and properly, determination is really how determined you are to something. I have shown this attribute as I was determined to hand in my 2D animation Coursework on time for the final Dead line.


Creativity is when a person has a positive idea towards something like a business plan or making music, for every different person there is a different way to fuel their creativity for some people it is silence or having a TV on whilst some prefer people talking in the background, I Myself prefer soft music which I know to be playing in the background.